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It’s Time To End Your Confusion, And Get The Results You Want…
Let’s face it… There’s a very good chance that you’re here watching this video today because you feel frustrated and confused about real wellness.
You want to know exactly what to do to be healthy and happy. But, the moment you dove into this world of self-healing you were flooded with a thousand different ideas, opportunities, approaches, and opinions.
And as a result, you simply don’t know what to do, or who to listen to.
Now that dream of living in that perfect body like you were intended… Of waking up every day without pain and disease, of making a positive impact on the health of others, or simply being a great resource for your family… Has probably started to feel more difficult to achieve than you ever expected.
Well, I’m here to tell you that I totally get it and that what you’re feeling is completely normal.
Think of it like this…
The human body is like a 3D puzzle and you just opened that jigsaw puzzle and dumped it all over the coffee table.
It’s a confusing mess that makes no sense.
Trying to piece it all together on your own is possible, but it will take you a very long time.
When I dove into this world a decade ago, I felt that exact same sense of confusion and overwhelm that you do, and it was a very painful process. In fact, six years into the process with both a doctoral degree and a 4 year masters, I had to figure out how to heal myself from cancer and a familial chronic pain syndrome.
Even now, I still shake when I look through the medical results. I know how scary it is to receive a diagnosis such as cancer, fibromyalgia, diabetes, heart or kidney disease.
But thankfully I never gave up. With the help of my mom, a research scientist and herbalist, we wrangled through the newest journals and even old texts from graduate university’s rare-book department I had cataloged as my student job.
Eventually, I solved the puzzle and the vision for my life that I’d dreamed about year after year, became a reality.
Now my vision is to pass this information on to others in the simplest and easiest way to implement so that we can all self-heal naturally and eventually be able to concentrate on healing others and the earth.
And today I only have one goal… To serve as your guide. To end your confusion, to give you clarity, and to help you systematically achieve your health goals.
If you’re ready to break free from the current medical system… If you want to free yourself and your loved ones from the toxins that cause the body’s healing mechanisms to shut down, I’d like to give you some personal words of wisdom on how to create your lifestyle to attain the body you truly want…
Step 1:
Entering into my career as a would-be holistic physician with cancer, I felt like I was already a failure. I had graduated at the top of both of my classes with 2 degrees and was leaving my internship with the worst diagnosis I could imagine and in all of my meditations, mentor-ship programs, and research… I kept getting the message, “Rhiannon, only YOU have the willpower to change your body from the inside out.”
Instead of looking for success to come from something outside myself like a workout tool, an herb, a product, or a practitioner, I had to turn the focus onto myself. I had to acquire a new set of healing skills that not even the best of my professors had lectured about.
So I did just that. I stopped chasing the newest wellness gimmick and started asking if I was doing all that I could each day to ensure my own health. Within the next few years, I would not only heal from cancer and a chronic pain syndrome naturally, but with the help of my mother and research scientist, Cia Enos, would compound 50 years of research on eliminating disease into a lifestyle protocol that is simple to understand and fun to implement.
So the very first step in your journey to health freedom is to master these new skills.
With this program I take you into my tiny garden and live on the set of my own kitchen to transfer years of knowledge to you in the clearest way possible.
The choice is yours. Mastering these skills is what will allow you to take action, make progress, and get results.
It’s what will allow you to gain confidence over your own body, and it’s what will allow you to help heal others and the world around you.
The moment you make this realization, everything will begin to change for you.
Step 2:
Once you’ve mastered this new lifestyle skillset it’s time to put it to work.
Believe it or not, you can actually save a lot of money by following the protocols I teach.
How’s that possible? What am I doing differently, and how can you do the same?
It all comes down to real well-being.
When I was ill, I dug my heels in and asked, “Am I really doing everything I can do to be healthy?” Yes, I was seeing alternative doctors as well as western, but was I choosing truly healthy food and healthy thoughts? I knew that I didn’t have to behave like a monk to be healthy. We are intended to enjoy life and feel good!
That’s when my mom, environmental research scientist and herbalist, came to me with the answers I’d been seeking. There were over 40,000 journal articles published on this topic.
And we looked at all of the aspects of changing lifestyle, documented all of our trials and tribulations along the way… And started seeing massive changes in our own health and the health of our patients.
From people over 90 years old to big 3 year old’s, like Cole here. We’ve seen huge shifts in health in as little as 2 weeks!
So why isn’t everyone using this protocol?
This exact same process is used every single day to help turn on tumor necrosis factor which shrinks cancer, decreases the functionality of pain receptors, and turns on fat burning cells for obesity and weight loss, and more.
Step 3:
So at this point, it is time. And, now that you are on your path towards real health you can help others understand this path and help heal the Earth!
Well, it turns out that the protocol that heals humans, also heals the planet.
Genius, right? So again, why isn’t everyone using this protocol?
There are a few reasons, but the primary one is a lack of education and experience.
If you walked into a grocery store right now, would you know exactly what to buy?
And I’ll be the first to admit that I thought I was living perfectly well with sprouted multi grain bread and smoothies…
But it turns out there’s a lot more to wellness. And, what I thought was healthy, was actually harming.
For example, I used to use and recommend a lot of protein supplements thinking I was adding more of the building blocks for muscle.
That’s way more amino acids and Methionine to be exact than a human body should have. These acids actual increase your ability to feel pain. So, while I was wallowing in pain each morning with my plant based smoothie and high-protein bread I was actually making my pain worse instead of better.
You don’t have to make the same mistakes I did. Along with the help of my mom and research scientist, Cia, we’ve delved through the scholarly journals for you.. and made this protocol clear and easy to follow. With 5-Star gourmet recipes that even children and meat-n-potato guys will love! But, it took us years to nail down the protocol in a way that was sustainable.
The bottom line is that succeeding in wellness is a process. It takes time.
And the only way that I’ve found to reduce the amount of time it will take you, and reduce the number of costly mistakes along the way, is to learn from others who’ve already going through that process as fast as you can.
If you want to actually self-heal naturally, (and do it reasonably fast), the single most important piece of advice I can give you is to pursue and learn from as many doctors as you can.
Rest assured…
We all have to pay for our education one way or another.
You’ll either pay for it in the form of books, appointments, events, and courses, or you’ll pay for it in the form of time and money wasted on costly mistakes and bad decisions.
Choosing to invest in yourself is always the best option to take. In fact, I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on healthcare education. Why? Because when we don’t have health, in addition to not feeling good, we don’t want to socialize, have community, learn new things, be with our family… all of the things that life is really about! Living a long, healthy, beautiful life with our loved ones.
If you’d like to acquire my knowledge when it comes to building a lifestyle that is truly healthy, I’d be happy to teach you what I know…
Earlier this year I started a mentor-ship program called For The Garden where I’ve been teaching my students everything I know when it comes to what to put in your body to shrink tumor cells, turn on fat burning, decrease pain and help treat and prevent diabetes,heart and kidney disease and more.
If you want to take charge of your own body…
If you want to learn how to turn on your own healing capabilities…
If you want to gain the education you need to make a massive impact on the world around you…
And if you want to create a cycle of well-being for yourself and your family…
Then the For The Garden Community was created for you.
Every 30 days for the next YEAR, I’m going to send you a new lesson or guide, (like the one you watched above with Cia), on a different topic that will serve you and your health the most.
You’ll have immediate access to the packed full of information 70-page ebook that spells out exactly why we our bodies need this transformation and lists references if you want to look up any of the data from our in-depth research yourself.
This is a strategy that is so simple, and so inexpensive, anyone can pursue it as long as you’re willing to make it happen.
If you’re just getting started down your wellness path, we’ll start at the very beginning of my story and I’ll show you how I went from a cancer diagnosis to being healthier than I was (even in my 20s) in under 12 months.
If you’re looking for the exact method to follow each day, I’m going to show you.
And much more….
Only 25% choose transformation over a diagnosis of lifelong disease! Are you one of the 25%?
In 2015, the National Institute of Health published a review from a workshop held in Italy, asking if we were ready to slow aging in humans. They agreed there is sufficient evidence demonstrates safe interventions to delay aging and increase healthy lifespan in humans by preventing disease onset for many chronic conditions.
I, for one, am ready and I believe the world is ready to live longer and heal and prevent disease. Humanity certainly can’t go on like this.
Next, you’ll learn the secret to making these healthy protocols inexpensive and actually save money on healthcare costs with nutrients from herbs and spices instead of supplements and eventually (with the help and knowledge of your primary doctor) less prescription and appointment costs. I’ve even published cases where my patients heart medications had to be decreased because they were stabilizing their own blood pressure.
Then, we’ll delve into the tools that make this method feasible when it comes to time management.
I know what it is like to run a busy business as a healthcare practitioner with a private practice, take care of a blind 18-year old dog, and feed a hungry soldier.
And, time is everything. It is one of the major determining factors when it comes to whether or not people make a sustainable change, or bounce back into old habits.
We’ll teach you exactly what tools you need in the kitchen. And even how to order out when you don’t feel like cooking with our Restaurant Survival Guide and clips from our Road-Trip Exclusive.
Now these results are not typical of any diet and lifestyle program. They are specific to this protocol and we are out to get as many people as we can in on not only the information, but how to make a sustainable change.
As a For The Garden Member, you’re going to sit down with us in the garden, the kitchen, and even at the beach for moving meditation practice and learn how we mastered this lifestyle.
You’ll see our accidents and our downfalls that happened as we learned to live this way. And, how we overcame them.
Once you’ve learned exactly what to eat …
I’m going to teach you how to strengthen your willpower with moving meditation…
So, if your one of those people that has trouble focusing, concentrating, or sticking to your guns. You don’t have to be queit and concentrate on your breathing for this to work.. because it’s just like it sounds.. moving meditation. And, we’ve developed it as a result of many years of prayer and study.
Doing this type of meditation, teaches you to increase your own willpower so that you can control your own health! So, let’s do this!
Once you learn this strategy, you’ll never have to worry about what to do when you have a craving you don’t want to give into.
You’ll always have something that you can do anywhere anytime to strengthen the power of your own will.
Next, I’ll teach you how to perform acupressure on yourself to reduce cravings, control stress, and even raise your metabolism…
Do you eat for emotional reasons? Do you wish you could put a end to it? So did I…
I’ve developed the most powerful combination of points that you can do on yourself. We still may have cravings. But we should all know how to handle them.. other than the juice pulp brownies that you can even eat for breakfast haha!
We’re also going to teach how making these changes affects not just yourself, but has a positive impact on the world. Just by changing your lifestyle you can begin to change agriculture, helping the water system, pollution, the climate, and even the cost of food.
Everyone wants make a difference in this world. Don’t leave this world without these positive impacts because you didn’t have this knowledge…
This is just the beginning of what you’ll learn as a For The Garden Member over the next year…
If you love what you see, you can become a Member right now for just $1.00.
Join For The Garden and check it out for the next 14 days, completely risk-free.
If you’re blown away by what you learn when it comes to building your health, keeping your wealth, and creating the lifestyle and body of your dreams, you can join me on this adventure as I bring people, knowledge, and opportunities to you that will change the course of your life for just $29/Mo, which you can cancel anytime.
Within the first few days we’ll send you our bread, smoothie, soup, and juice recipe. These recipes are sent individually so that you can try to change a little each day. We call this our Quick Start. And, it’s exactly that! Recipes and guidance to allow you to quickly change your habits.
For the first few weeks, we’ll send you a daily email to help you on your journey towards real health.
You’ll know exactly which foods you should have more of and which you should avoid.
More importantly, you’ll know where to go to ask questions and for a community of supportive people.
But that’s not all…
When you sign up for your $1.00 trial today, I’m going to give you an incredibly valuable bonus…
It’s a 70-page eBook full of all of the research we’ve done on this protocol and even some of our favorite recipes.
You’ll be able to start cooking this way for yourself and your family and friends. And, know where to send them for information when they have questions.
And much, much more…
For The Garden will bring you on 12 lifestyle adventures and 12 lessons over the next 12 months, that will change your life forever, and give you the knowledge you need to change not only your own life, but the lives of your loved ones and the earth.
But don’t take my word for it.
Click the link below to start your $1.00 trial now to check it out for yourself. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Join Now!
You’ll have instant access to the eBook, and in a couple of weeks you’ll recieve the Restaurant Survival Guide, and 5-Star Spice It Right Guide, and you’ll receive the newest lesson each month for as long as you continue to stay in The Garden!
If you’ve been looking for real answers, and real help, from real people who have achieved the kind of results you want to achieve, you’ve found it.
Join us, and let’s do this together.
Here’s What Others Have To Say…
"Dr. Rhi has been a life changer for me. Her holistic and psychospiritual perspective taught me to honor the many links between my nutrition and my wellbeing. These are lessons that have not only improved the quality of my life, but that I now pass along to my own patients and clients."
“I have discarded the pain pills that I have used for over 4 years despite the diagnosis of MS and fibromyalgia. My blood sugar has dropped by over 100 points on average in a very short amount of time. I have also been losing even more weight.”
"I never realized that I had pain every day when I would bend my legs to put pants on in the morning... until I was without it! I love being pain free.. I'd like to keep this body for a while! During our last vacation, the highlight of our trip were the hikes. I was so happy to be able to hike up and down the mountain and sleep w/o the pain afterward. It felt so good and I felt so much much younger:).
There were many moments when I was thinking about Dr. Rhi and was very grateful for all of her help. "
“I’m so very thankful that I found Dr. Rhi. She helped me recover to the point of pain free in my back and hips and aided in a fast recovery post surgery. She helped me combat anxiety through meditation. The greatest aspect that Dr.Rhi is a teacher who enables her patients to heal themselves. By giving me the techniques and habits I can continue on my wellness journey with the knowledge I gained through our sessions. Life changing.Dr. Rhi was able to help me heal NATURALLY in less than 2 months time!!”
“Before meeting with Dr. Rhiannon, I was a pretty strong injured athlete. After my injury, bulged disks and pinched nerve, I realized I had muscle groups that were weak and that I didn’t know existed or how to strengthen. Dr Rhiannon has helped me quickly recover from my injury, and I am learning how to strengthen the weak muscles, eat healthier, and move better in general. I am on the road to being a faster, stronger athlete than I was before my injury.“
“Working with Dr. Rhi has helped me so much. I was in pain with my knees and had some issues from childhood with my hips not realizing that those issues were holding me back from being my best physical self.
With her help I now have almost zero knee pain ( when I do I now know how to treat it naturally with some accupressure from her online course and relaxing exercises) and I feel like I can move and be all I was created to be.
Thank you dr. Rhi for your work. This mamma appreciates you !”