What do you want from your food? I ask this question many times and almost always got the same answers.
I want it to be simple, quick and travel well.
I want delicious, healthy food.
I don’t want to have to plan and prepare things, I just want food when I want food.
I want my food to not have any calories.
I want my food to feel good and make me feel better, like when I am down.
I want my food to be cheap.
What if you found food that was naturally packaged for travel and ready when you are ready to eat? What if you found food that was delicious and healthy? What if you could cut your grocery bills? What if you could eat as much as you wanted without gaining weight, in fact it would help burn calories. What if you found food could reduce your pain and help you be more flexible and move easier?
What if your food helped you to detoxify and could keep your heart young? What if your food could truly and I mean really, keep you young and could guard your body from cancer? What if you found out that your food could actually shrink tumors and could be used even if chronic conditions are already in your life? What if your food could change how your DNA to make you healthier?
Sound too good to be true?
It’s not!
What if I told you it was the first diet written in Genesis and is the last diet you will ever need?
How motivated are you to claim God’s promise of 120 healthy years on this earth?
So what is the first diet?
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”
What does this include?
Let’s look a little closer at Genesis for the answer. The King James Version is written as follows;
” And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
Comparing the two verses, you can see something has been left out. That something is the tender grasses. Tender grasses are the grasses or what we call grains. They are called ‘mono’ meaning one and ‘cot’ meaning leaf because they grow from one leaf into stalks or blades. These are corn, wheat, rye and other grasses and grains. God did not give us those to eat in the garden! It turns out, grains contain an amino acid, which if limited allows tumors shrink and helps our bodies to heal from metabolic diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiopulmonary issues and others. It can even be used in advanced chronic diseases safely with doctor’s or lab testing.
Okay, so we don’t eat grains, so what do we eat?
In the free video lesson below, we will go over:
Why and how the Diet For The Garden works
What you eat
How to prepare your mind and your kitchen for optimal success
How lifestyle can empower your transformation
If you don’t care about the how and why that makes this diet so successful, or if you need to start it immediately because your doctor or your body is telling you it is time to really make a change, go ahead and skip to sections two and three. Section two is all about the foods you want on your plate every day and section three is full of tips and recipes for making your transition towards health easier, faster and better.
When I started my trek toward eating this way, I had no idea that this diet was already laid out for me in Genesis. I was listening to a body suffering from chronic fatigue, extreme pain from polyneuritis and chronic flu-like symptoms that placed me in bed with my eyes closed for between three and four months. No books, no movies or TV, no phone calls, I didn’t have the energy. I just laid in my bed trying to relax because the more I relaxed the less I hurt. Doctors diagnosed me with polyneuritis. I had never heard of it and neither had anyone else. Since I didn’t have cancer or anything thought of as life threatening, my family and friends went about their lives. I was left to fend for myself.
Doctors didn’t know how I got polyneuritis or how to get rid of it. Their only suggestion was that I take pain killers. Fortunately for me, the pain medication merely made my head foggy and my body nauseous. The pain didn’t dim even slightly. I had to find my body’s way out of the mess. The following book is the place in my journey where I am inviting all in my human family to join me on this path toward the beautiful, powerful bodies God made for us. Even if you have tried every diet know to man, This is the diet known to Divine Spirit!
So why haven’t we heard about this diet before?
Chances are you have learned about parts of the first diet but thought it wasn’t for you.
I am not going to lie to you!
Food is like our mother, we run back to what we know and love for comfort. Unfortunately, not all parents are good for us and neither are all the diets we grew up loving. Some diets cause pain, obesity and disease. Running back to unhealthy food is like running back to a abusive parent. It is what we know, love and feel comfortable with.
If you are interested in vigor and beauty.
If you want to be healthy and happy.
If you are looking for a way to prolong your life and the lives of your family, this may be your path.
But how can I go without bread?
Simple, quick bread recipes are included in this book along with other tricks and tips to make your changes and substitutions easy, fast and healthier.
So what are you waiting for? Are you afraid that you will have to give up your ice cream or you cookies? Is learning to eat to bring vigorous health too time consuming or too much of a hassle?
What if I told you not to change anything till after you click the link below and watch the free video lesson below?
In fact, I don’t think you should change anything until you have watched the entire 45 minutes!
Then, if you still think it is not worth the effort and the changes to protect your health and the health of your family, don’t change one thing!
However, if you are looking for a way to stay younger and healthier. If you are searching for the path to lose weight, chronic disease and depression. If you never again want to look for a new diet, this is science’s and Genesis’s path.
Find out more about The Diet For The Garden by clicking the link below for the free video lesson.
This article was co-authored by Doc Rhi, DC, MAOM, and Cia Enos, MS, Herbalist and Research Scientist and Mom of Doc Rhi #AskMom #DocRhi #ForTheGarden
After graduating from her doctorate and masters as valedictorian with cancer and familial chronic pain, Doc Rhi and her research scientist mom set out to discover how they could do the absolute most to heal themselves and enjoy life and food in the process. The Diet For The Garden developed from this and it is their dream to share this information with the whole world. And, to make lifestyle changes simple and easy to begin. You can help us by sharing this post and commenting on what you would like to hear more about. Join our community by requesting the free video lesson below.
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