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The Diet For The Garden is a plant based diet that concentrates on reducing the amino acid called methionine which not only slows aging and increases beauty but reduces and even eliminates chronic diseases..

The vegetables eaten in The Diet For The Garden contain sulfur and together with sunlight can help to prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerotic plaque buildup and damage through oxidation. This damage causes inflammation and even necrosis or tissue death. The mucopolysaccharides found in plant foods such as yams, plantain, aloe vera, mallows, sea weeds and many seeds, help repair damaged epithelial tissue like those found in our blood vessels and skin. This helps to help keep our organs and skin healthy and youthful.

The Diet For The Garden restricts methionine to cause the same effects as a calorie restriction diet. The calorie restriction diet is well known to prolong life and increase health and wellbeing. The Diet For The Garden can do this while allowing normal amounts of food to be eaten. Methionine restriction may be able to reverse the negative effects of aging caused by yearly weight gain, obesity and insulin resistance.

Even though The Diet For The Garden decreases calorie intake, it increases nutrients and phytochemicals needed to maintain and repair the body. It also reduces the accumulation of acids and genetically damaged cells to increase the longevity of our cells, tissues and organs. Like the calorie restriction diet, The Diet For The Garden may protect our cells from oxidation damage, heavy metal stress and other toxicity.

When you can eat the proper foods to restrict methionine, the building block of triglycerides are limited by changing how our DNA is used. It is linked to decreased fatty deposits and lipogenesis in the liver. This keeps the liver healthy  and young. The Diet For The Garden may increase longevity through epigenetic mechanisms on the gene FGF21. Increased liver FGF21 expression and improved whole body glucose balance helps the body to run more efficiently and avoid age related metabolic diseases. This increases not only longevity, it also increases quality of life with lasting health and happiness. Without health, we have nothing!

If you would like to find out more about this diet please watch the full free video lesson below.

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