Doc Rhi Is A Longevity & Well-life Expert Who Helps Her Patients Transform Dis-ease Into Fuel For Change. Using The Most Effective Tools Available, Such As Network Spinal Chiropractic, Medical Qi Gong, Acupuncture, Meridian Physiotherapy & The Methionine Restriction Protocol, She Helps Her Patients Embody Wellness & Most Importantly, Ignite The Only True Form Of Healing, Self-Healing.
Call Today For An Online Or Huntington Beach In-Person Consultation: 657-215-5642
Free Lesson: The Real Truth
About Ending Pain & Disease
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I’ve always believed that we are intended to have a wonderful experience in our body. When we don’t feel radiently healthy it is our souls way of communicating to us that something in our life needs to change.
For many years I sought healing from postural dysfunction, I was born without a hip socket and was in a full body cast for 2 years! As well as pain, child abuse, familial arthritis, and even cancer. I practice ancient healing techniques bonded with modern revolutionary science to transform old pain and injury into fuel for change. When research led me to these amazing therapies, I commited my life to teaching my friends, family, and you about them.
Being able to say, “yes, I know how to be pain and disease free, I know how to increase my energy levels and look beautiful naturally,” is the ultimate expression of freedom.
Whatever you dream of doing with your radiantly healthy body… Whether it’s unlimited time with your family, fitting into a new dress, the chance to work full-time for your favorite charity, to design your garden, or change the future of humankind and the earth through food choices…
Having the informational means and the courage to say, “yes, I can make this real if I want”, is the ultimate expression of freedom that each of us can experience.
I approach life with a core belief that anyone can accomplish anything. That not only can one man or woman make a difference, but that it’s one man or woman who always makes the difference.
Hi, my name is Dr Rhiannon Hutton, or Doc Rhi, and I’m grateful that that our paths have crossed. My mission, and my purpose is to empower those who want to change their life, and change the world for the better, with the knowledge and skills they need to do so.
If you’re enthusiastic about feeling great, or want to be the change a loved one needs, I believe I have some insights and experiences that can help you make an incredible impact in your own life and the lives of others.
When I’m not working, I do my best to experience as much as I possibly can during the short window of time we all have here…
In 2013, I took off on foot with my mom and head research scientist, Cia Enos, for a 500 mile journey on foot. With the help of the diet and exercise therapies I teach, we jogged from Huntington Beach, Ca to Williams, AZ in 30 days.. that’s a marathon every day but Sunday!
If you’re one of the few people on the planet who’s ever had the privilege of feeling your feet carry you over coastal mountains or desert flowers, we’re clearly kindred spirits…
Today I spend my free time jogging the sunny shores of Surf City, USA.
When I’m not beating feet, you’ll find me on the beach practicing the ancient art of Qigong , baking homemade healthy brownies from my juicing pulp, or playing with my Angel Rescue dog, Wally.
And when I’m not in HB, you’ll find me travel teaching and enjoying the cafe lifestyle (with almond milk of course).
Thank you for taking the time connect, and the best way to stay in touch is to subscribe to my email newsletter list. – Doc Rhi
THIS IS MY MISSION:“ To empower the people who want to heal themselves,
and heal the world,
with the knowledge and skills they need to do so. ”