As a Holistic Doctor and Master of Eastern medicine, I tell my patients and those following The Diet For The Garden Protocol, that they should try to rest by 11pm. This is because ofnatural circadian rythmms that increase the function of the liver. In the East they say that the liver and gallbladder (2 organs who’s functions are paired together) need to work from 11pm- 3am. But, they can only function properly if your diet is optimized.
Most people eating a western diet eat too much protein! This can lead to gout, kidney disease and other disorders. When you eat according to The Diet For The Garden, you are getting foods that are naturally low in Methionine but still have other amino acids necessary to continue to construct, maintain and repair our bodies. If you eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, you will receive all of the proteins you need and still maintain low methionine.
The only things you need to think about when correctly practicing The Diet For The Garden is getting enough food, B12 and Vitamin D, and only if you have a preexisting issue. B12 deficiency is very rare in healthy individuals. B12 and iron are found in sea vegetables like purple nori and in vegetables grown in organically fertilized soil. Organic fertilizers such as cow dung are high in vitamin B12 and in the form that is easily absorbed by our bodies. Chemical fertilizers do not supply vitamin B12. This is one of the many reasons to eat organically grown fruits and vegetables or even grow your own. The Diet For The Garden is naturally higher in folate, vitamins and antioxidants.
Vitamin D is found in mushrooms and sunlight. Put your mushrooms in a windowsill for some sun before eating them. They collect vitamin D for you. To collect your own vitamin D, make sure you get out in the sun every day before 11 am or after 3 pm without sunscreen. Twenty minutes is good for light skinned people if you have darker skin, you may need more. We naturally make our own vitamin D and getting out in the sunlight in the morning resets our body clocks, converting melatonin into serotonin and back, enabling us to sleep and be happy! Americans spend 03% of their time indoors. To ensure ample vitamin D be sure to get outside daily.
Too much protein isn’t good for our bodies. It can lead to a buildup of uric acid, toxins and pain. Some people have trouble metabolizing protein and its building blocks. If you have a MTHFR gene substitution, cysteine metabolism issues or trouble flushing homocysteine out of your system, remember to ask your doctor for lab tests. Incorrect diet can result in a toxic buildup of homocysteine. You may need a vitamin B12 supplement, whether you use The Diet For The Garden or not. Studies have shown folate, from leafy greens, beans and nuts, and betaine, from beets and other plant sources, can lower homocysteine concentration without the need for increased vitamin B12!
Choline is important to cell membrane health and can also be transformed into betaine. Choline is naturally found in soy, peanuts, cauliflower, lentils and flax seeds. These are all foods eaten in The Diet For The Garden! Choline, betaine and B vitamins help transform homocysteine into methionine. This aids in the methylation of our DNA. Methylating our DNA is like hanging little magnets on it. These little methyl magnets are made of a carbon and hydrogen. These magnets can change the shape of our DNA and regulate where and when our DNA is copied to make our proteins and other factors that keep us healthy.
Getting rid of homocysteine is really essential to our health because it is a toxic intermediate. It can build up in our system and cause disease and lack of or poo quality of sleep. Eating the correct foods, such as those in The Diet For The Garden, can aid in the transformation of homocyteine and get it out of our systems. Just as importantly, the correct methylation of our DNA enables the proper copying and building of amino acids, proteins and other factors we need to run our bodies and maintain our health. Some of these factors can keep mutated cells from becoming cancerous.
The Diet For The Garden provides a rich supply of dietary fibers, which welcome the friendly bacteria found in our intestine. Since vitaminĀ B12 is produced by certain bacteria, The Diet For The Garden may provide the correct environment for vitamin B12 producers to grow and multiply, to help supply vitamin B12 to the body. Fermented foods including soy tempeh contain vitamin B12,as do dried shiitake mushrooms and a fermented black tea called Bata Bata-cha. This increases what we refer to as our “liver blood” in the East which helps us to sleep properly. It will also ensure that we have plenty of energy during the day!
For more on The Diet For The Garden, click below to get the full free lesson.
This article was co-authored by Doc Rhi, DC, MAOM, and Cia Enos, MS, Herbalist and Research Scientist and Mom of Doc Rhi #AskMom #DocRhi #ForTheGarden
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