The Diet For The Garden is a plant-based, grain-free diet which concentrates on reducing an amino acid called Methionine. This particular protein or amino acid increases inflammation in the gut and the entire body. This leads to a cascade of GI tract problems such as IBS, Crones, Leaky-Gut, constipation, diarrhea, acid-reflux, indigestion, and other digestive disorders. After beginning this diet as a means of preventing cancer recurrence and chronic pain reduction, all of my chronic digestive upset also alleviated!
The fats included in The Diet For The Garden come from sources such as olives, avocado, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and other nuts, leafy greens like kale, squashes and root vegetables. These fats are mostly monounsaturated fatty acids. Monosaturated fatty acids protect the body from oxidation and damage due to reactive oxygen species because they are less likely to oxidize with only one double bond.
The Diet For The Garden also offers foods containing a-linolenic acids (ALA), which can prevent coronary heart disease. Increased ALA reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and fatal ischemic heart disease even if the patient smokes. Don’t get me wrong, smoking still puts you at greater risk!. The ALA eaten from plant sources can convert to DHA and EPA in small amounts. Purslane, a common weed and salad green contains trace amounts of DHA and EPA as well as ALA. Walnut, avocado, almonds, flax and olive contain ALA and only small amounts of n-6 fatty acid. This balances our fatty acids and enables us to convert as needed. A correct balance of n-3 fatty acids and n-6 fatty acid helps many body functions including:
- Lowering cholesterol levels and balances synthesis
- Reducing triglyceride levels
- aiding digestive secretions,
- aiding respiratory muscle contractions
- reducing inflammation, helping our immune system and reducing cancer.
- aiding our nervous systems and moods
- preventing formation of blood clots, reducing their breaking off and causing heart attacks or strokes.
Consumption of animal proteins can result in increased permeability in the small intestine. This causes what is known as leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut can allow the movement of bacteria and undigested proteins into the blood stream. Once in the blood stream this invaders can adhere to organs and tissues where our immune system soldiers sniff them out and try to attack them. This leads to attacking our own tissues and organs leading to certain autoimmune disorders. Without the constant bombardment of additional proteins, the immune soldiers, known as macrophages, can clean up the invaders and relax. This decreases inflammation and the discomfort that is sometime related to it.
The Diet For The Garden contains phytochemicals known to be antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. These little soldiers help to keep us healthy and step down inflammation at the same time. Because plants can’t run away from invaders, they are experts at making phytochemicals to fight them. We can gain their strength by adding them to our diets.
Find out more about The Diet For The Garden by clicking the link below for the free video lesson.
This article was co-authored by Doc Rhi, DC, MAOM, and Cia Enos, MS, Herbalist and Research Scientist and Mom of Doc Rhi #AskMom #DocRhi #ForTheGarden
After graduating from her doctorate and masters as valedictorian with cancer and familial chronic pain, Doc Rhi and her research scientist mom set out to discover how they could do the absolute most to heal themselves and enjoy life and food in the process. The Diet For The Garden developed from this and it is their dream to share this information with the whole world. And, to make lifestyle changes simple and easy to begin. You can help us by sharing this post and commenting on what you would like to hear more about. Join our community by requesting the free video lesson below.
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